Welcome to Ellis River Riders



Here is it, folks! Our new Club Express system!

Open the link and go to New Member Signup. Register for the appropriate membership. If you do not have your Coggins handy to upload, you can do that later. For now, all memberships have to be approved by an Admin. If you have paid for your 2025 Membership, your account will be approved and you will not have to pay. If you have not yet paid for your membership, your membership will be approved and you will be asked to complete your payment. As with any new system, there will be a learning curve. I am here for your questions.

-Erika Milan, President

Club Express Member Portal

Download the Mobile App from your app store today!

Club Express Tutorials 

ClubExpress - Full Demonstration ClubExpress - Member Self-Management

Ellis River Riders, Inc. is a non-profit corporation established in 1985. (The Club) and its members are committed to enriching lives through horses in a fun, family atmosphere. The Club offers a variety of activities and a graduated series of divisions for riders of different levels of ability. 

Come join us for the fun!

E.R.R. Welcomes ALL Riding Levels & Disciplines.

Compete - Learn - Meet New People!

Become a Member Today!

Membership Fees start at only $25

Mailing Address:

Ellis River Riders

P O Box 392

Andover ME 04216-0392

Fire Weather:

Please check Wildfire Danger Report Daily.

E.R.R. is located in zone 4 on the map.

Fires on the grounds are strictly PROHIBITED if the danger class is above moderate.

The information is updated by 9:00 each morning.


Trail Updates

Thank you for a great 2024 season!

Update as of 12/1/24:

All trails as of December 1st will be closed until May, per the landowners signed agreement.

It has been a wonderful riding season, let's hope 2025 treats us as well!

Happy Trails my friends!


Annette Cochran of No View Farm will be running the Gone Loco Cafe out of the Food booth during our events! The menu will include many homemade, healthy items made with farm fresh, local ingredients!!

Please note the new BOD meeting location:

First Congregational Church, 23 Elm Street, Andover

Upcoming Meetings:

Monthly BOD meeting, second Monday of every month at 7pm. 

In person at the First Congregational Church, 23 Elm Street, Andover, Maine or join by Zoom.


Monthly Show Committee meetings, first Thursday of each month at 7pm by Zoom.


Meetings are open to the public & membership!